Sunday 26 February 2012


Dear Lynn and Ben,

Long time no see! How have you been? It has been such a long, long time since we last wrote and talked with each other.

I'm so sorry for being unable to write you a postcard, not to mention a letter (like this). I believe I am not only busy, but also worried constantly about my handwriting. Maybe it's because I used to excel in calligraphy (did I ever tell you that?), and was - and am - so "proud" of that that I don't want to see my scribble. I guess, that's why I have been failing to 'produce' you a letter for so long.

Anyway, no more excuses, right? I just wanna tell you how much I miss you both. At times I still dream about being in Toronto with you two - with no more assignments from York (fortunately). I still relish very much the time in Toronto: a ride to the headquarters of Kingdom Hall in Canada, countless quality talks in the basement and endless Internet problems with Bell! And of course, the schoarly look of Ben and the fantastic cuisine of Lynn still linger in my mind; I am so amazed by my incredible memory - and how fortunate I was while studying at York.

All these reminiscences, or rather sentiment, might well come from my relationship with biological parents - which still proves to be rocky, very rocky. I guess, I have never been ready for an identical twin brother. [...]

Aiya, I'd better stop writing. Just too much about me here! How about you? How's life? Is everything fine? Tell me (or write to me) about how you're getting on.

With Love,
(4 August, 2011)

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