Tuesday 28 February 2012


Live, Evil,
The eyes, They see,
My ideal time, Immediately,
Indomitableness, Endless ambition,
Payment received, Every cent paid me,
Year Two Thousand, A year to shut down,
Narcissism, Man's crisis,
Chemistry, Shit, me cry,
Goodbye, Obey god

Life with no WhatsApp

More and more folks come and ask, how come I still have no WhatsApp. This makes me succumb to the quest; I abruptly give in by interrogating myself.

Honestly I think it's nothing to do with my financial situation, but my attitude to work; I'm always convinced that the more we're hooked to the Internet, the more work we'll do and accomplish - consciously or unconsciously.

So, I guess, the only conclusion of me having no WhatsApp (still) lies really in laziness. Like, right now, when facebooking (or better termed "relaxing, exploring myself"), I am compelled to answer questions relating to English Grammar, although it's one of my interests. But, I suppose it's normal for people to conceal themselves from time to time, isn't that right? Also, I just don't want to stand by people whenever I don't have to.

For all these reasons, I proudly say, I can survive without WhatsApp!

On Macintosh

It isn't that hard to shift from Windows to Mac;
What proves difficult is the huge LCD
(which is a bit too bright as well)

Sunday 26 February 2012

From 2 to 6

Teaching materials grow from 2GB to 6GB - a 3x increase.
Does this imply
I'm now 3 times stronger, more capable, as a good teacher?

Yes, right?


Cell in Colour Cherry

If I were to buy Samsung GALAXY S II today,
I would buy the CHERRY one right away.

Mind you, Class 3B!
I just luv' the colour
- nothing more, NOBODY more!

Hard spelling

I find these words so hard to spell (correctly):
Fukushima, Koyasan, Cathedral, Priscilla, Admiralty, Tsuen Wan, soldier

I suppose the list expands with age, yeah?

Encouragement from a student in Class 5R

"Not much time I have in school,
so I must work [x more] hard[er].
I will not give up and
thank[s] for your teaching, Mr. Lam"

Couldn't help, but tears welled up in eyes..

Is it a witty one?

Malls are nothing more than a maze
whose complexity often makes me amaze;
Life offers other than death a way
whose composition often takes my breath away.

Silly Chinese

任何人都可以很忙,也可以不(太)忙,每個人一日都只是有同樣廿四小時,忙極咪又係廿四個鐘,唔通會有人忙廿七八個鐘?阿媽忙極也會煲湯你飲,Bill Gates 忙極也不忘賺錢,最怕人家用忙當藉口,忙的真身就是懶,敵人就是心。

很奇怪人會信神,宗教之說全是催眠之術,等同於TVB 勁谷林峰一樣咁難頂,日播夜播,一聽到就(想)作嘔,另外連人都咁難信,又怎樣去信這個形而上的物體呢?



I hardly know who I am. Yes, I'm busy making money, and can now afford tons of H&M, HMV and Heineken. But, what the fuss? I ain't happier.

I used to believe the reason why I was blue was simply because I was broke, yet as I gradually uncover, it isn't quite true for money can't buy me any joy...


2007 vs 2012

What am I: 2007 // 2012
你覺得自己十年後會在哪裡:the UK, or the Hell // Vaughan, Sendai, or (sadly) HK
以後想做什麼職業: GP, Barrister // Writer, Vet, Animal Communicator
無聊的時候你大多做些什麼: I don't have any mo liu time // Doing tons of psychological tests
你住得距離最遠的一個朋友: Dominic? // Hung Tsai (& its owner)
世界上最惱人的事:無錢交學費 // When I lose my goal(s)
全世界最好的事: 科科唔讀就A+// Day-(and-night-)dreaming
要怎麼對付你討厭的人: 反白眼 // 當佢透明
心裡最想見的人是誰: Masami Nagasawa // Jehovah
想要幾歲結婚: Never // ASAP
心情好嗎: Nope // Ok la; used to it

Old books

又鍾意聽舊歌 (呢! 張衛健, 張信哲個d呢)

"係你唔識野姐 - 除左你個千個App屎"

14 Feb

Rejuvenating, Refreshing, Rekindling
Pandora in downtown Kowloon
Quaint places like that I like most
Ideal for partners (or selves)
Moment of truth
In a blue moon



"I am neither single nor in a relationship, I am
simply reserved for the one who truly appreciate me"

貼士#1: 每行都有一個錯處
貼士#2: 第一行既錯處係標點符號 (依樣同公開試唔同)






This is the year of MMXII;
Today is the X-th day of February;
I'll be waiting "your" presence for CLIX more days.

Below are so difficult for me..

"XX很難" 之續篇

1. 係香港駛錢駛得爽
2. 應酬d 姨媽姑爹 :o
3. 唔俾我去曰本 >_<
4. 迫我打邊爐
5. 為無能既人賣命 >.<"

Zodiac. Reliable maybe?

“如果受不了,就別走進我的世界,I am who I am.”


've been poodleless for entirely 2 weeks today. My life underwent an unexpected change, which I couldn't foresee before I kept him. I feel that my life is now [...]. There're things I was occupied with. But, after I'd finished everything, I abruptly did not want plans anymore. No plans, no work, no whatsoever. At times I strolled alone among the crowds, pondering where I should be heading. I mumbled to myself, maybe life is built up to a certain point, upon which I ain't getting anywhere. Let-down, reclusive life resumed.


如果識買又便又環保 ^.^

日本同香港都有人食二手 - 飯!
個時乳臭未乾, 唔信

但係最近去旺角XXX既Food Court飯局
我想, 佢一定係瞞住家人自己冇左份工

Don't take everything for granted!
(Maybe it's not a cliché at all)

Poodle & Me (Day 9)

I’ll be waiting for 172 days;
by then, your* presence
will be my best birthday present.

More on Day#9:
また クマちゃんに会いたいよ!
毎朝 キスで起こされたことは心に焼き付けた!

Poodle & Me (Day 8)

Day#8: Poodle VS Me {Display of Sentiment}

I WON ^.^

∵ ’m composing free verses
tracking our blissful moments;
despite our physical distance plus
I shall come see you in hours
one day after your goodbye kisses

More on Day#8:
One-day separation from you*
seems three autumns apart

Poodle & Me (Day 7)

I miss your attentive gaze (as if in your life there’s only me)
I miss your dancing (in your own way)
I miss your scratch and cuddle
I miss your non-stop licks
I miss your being around
I miss your “hand hand”
I miss your ‘bed’ tunnel
I miss your smell
I miss your soul
I miss you*

p.s. For One More Day, With You*
not by Mitch Albom
but by Me

More on Day#7:
All thanks to you*
CNY has become a lot more FUN!

Poodle & Me (Day 6)

Day#6: Poodle VS Me {Faithfulness}

I LOST >v<"

When I was trapped in Lam Tin
- a faraway town in Kowloon downtown -
I missed nobody but you*

When you’re on your own
you’re waiting attentively by the door;
plus you peed uncontrollably once I was back

More on Day#6: Dilemma
’m taught not to cuddle you*
whenever I’m back home;
yet when I do as instructed, you bark at me
and when I succumb and hug you, you pee uncontrollably!

’m joyfully desperate: What should I do?

Poodle & Me (Day 5)

Day#5: Poodle VS Me {Curiosity}

I LOST >"<

While I’m world-weary,
*you’re into everything in my life:
be it my keys, carpet slippers, cellphone, hairdryer...

p.s. These days I have no privacy at all!

More on Day#5:
A dog is one of the remaining reasons
why some people (me included :p)
can be persuaded to run on the streets.

p.s. Oh, am I really like a "pet"-sitter?
BTW, can I make it my part-time job? $_$

Poodle & Me (Day 4)

Day#4: Poodle VS Me {Laziness}

EVEN >.<
The LONGER I stay on bed, the LAZIER you get
p.s. Vice versa!

More on Day#4:
Terribly sorry that
I couldn’t help coughing at midnight;
Thanks a lot for
genuinely caring about me by licking my face.

Poodle & Me (Day 3)

Day#3: Poodle VS Me {Calmness}

I WON ^.^

∵My alarm isn’t a bomb even when it goes off,
and barking ain’t gonna help lor
(Thanks for wanting to protect me, though)

More on Day#3:
Bedcover plus my limbs turned into a ‘bed’ tunnel
The warmest place you* needed
The coldest night I experienced
for you kept moving - to produce warmth
for you and me (?)

Poodle & Me (Day 2)

Day#2: Poodle VS Me {Short Run}

More on Day#2:
“You are all my reasons,”
for you* are such an attention-seeker;
you’ve totally exhausted me!

Poodle & Me (Day 1)

Sleeping with a hood
‘Coz you* keep licking my head

*A dog that keeps me company
for these few days

More on Day#1:
The Poodle was barking at my TV
when it showed “Rise of the Silver Surfer”
in which there were some barking scenes

away >> a way

away from routines, away from the norms;
away from plain living, away from obligation;
away from gadgets, away from missing Miss;
a way of faith healing, a way to confession

Once, I was holding onto dreams

Memories out of reach
Sublimed by time
Greatness of DVD-R
Amused and amazed upon retrieval
By one's own past
A taste of age far beyond description

Chow Yei Ching Building, HKU


In MARK 6 I trust
"Don't Laugh at Me" by MARK Wills
Not yet a reMARKable teacher
Tonnes of MARKings killing me
Once a MARKing assistant at HKEAA
Countless dates and to-dos to MARK onto calendar
Wandering around MARKetplace whenever available
Any concluding reMARKs?

Acknowledgements (by TY)

"..I have to thank Mark, my trusted friend, who shared his sophisticated knowledge of English literature and provided valuable advice on my writing techniques."

A buffet supper in return?


Fudan to Jordan
Hustle and bustle
Holidays turned workdays
Schooling equals clowning
Tormented by tomorrow
Fear, Flee and free?
Money is honey
No resistance but insistence

Taste of destiny

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

'm no dead poet

Approachable, Clumsy, Humorous, Presentable – you may disagree
Assistant Class Teacher (ACT) of 30 trouble-makers in Class 5R
Great Lover of English, MC, NTHYKYLDSS, UK, Canada, Japan, Autumn, 'Yuki' and Emma Watson
Who feels truly delighted when chatting, kissing (you know) and thinking outside the box
Who needs social justice (like democracy), support from his students, plus money to sustain himself
Who fears pigeons, phantoms and too many people in a crowded place, especially Mongkok
Who gives knowledge, care and love to students
Who would like to see salary surge in (less than) a year time – lol – love triumph and an end to all bias
Born in British Hong Kong and living in Utopia

Most fruitful summer of all

Taking real control of life
On my mark, Set, Go!
Running: From hate to love
A test of will
Giving a shot at golf
Miles to go before I excel

Work and fun
A balance to strike
Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary schools
Am I too young for Université students?
A student call from Adelaide
Faith in local education

Digitalising my teaching materials
I love you, Adobe Acrobat
Re-falling in love with Taiwanese culture
Luckily not Korean
Leisurely (and informally) learning Mandarin
A language to be distinguished from Pu-tong-hua

Becoming a mediaconsumer
Fiction, YouTube, music, non-local TV dramas and movies - you name it!
Indulging in a 'duty'-free trip
Reasonable, refreshing plus recherché
Moving house to where I belonged
A more strollable town for a Golden Retriever (or Corgi) and I

A genre full of broken sentences
What the fuss


Dear Lynn and Ben,

Long time no see! How have you been? It has been such a long, long time since we last wrote and talked with each other.

I'm so sorry for being unable to write you a postcard, not to mention a letter (like this). I believe I am not only busy, but also worried constantly about my handwriting. Maybe it's because I used to excel in calligraphy (did I ever tell you that?), and was - and am - so "proud" of that that I don't want to see my scribble. I guess, that's why I have been failing to 'produce' you a letter for so long.

Anyway, no more excuses, right? I just wanna tell you how much I miss you both. At times I still dream about being in Toronto with you two - with no more assignments from York (fortunately). I still relish very much the time in Toronto: a ride to the headquarters of Kingdom Hall in Canada, countless quality talks in the basement and endless Internet problems with Bell! And of course, the schoarly look of Ben and the fantastic cuisine of Lynn still linger in my mind; I am so amazed by my incredible memory - and how fortunate I was while studying at York.

All these reminiscences, or rather sentiment, might well come from my relationship with biological parents - which still proves to be rocky, very rocky. I guess, I have never been ready for an identical twin brother. [...]

Aiya, I'd better stop writing. Just too much about me here! How about you? How's life? Is everything fine? Tell me (or write to me) about how you're getting on.

With Love,
(4 August, 2011)

A ghostly encounter

Like an adventure, a trip on roller coaster
What pageturners should all be
Don't you ever stop me from reading (short) stories
What I do care is, if they are a good read
Yet, of course, mangas ain't for forever
Fiction has been working on me as well
Tahuantinsuyo, Bălgariya, Egypt, Paris and Tokyo
I have all been to
A world with no boundaries nor limits
Looking forward to a world of my own
Guests aren't invited nor allowed
With few, or no, exceptions made to muses and soul mates