Friday 25 May 2012

Friendship I resent

Allies slowly break
Left is lonely brick
Congratulations, I said
Deep down I was sad
Years are not to bear 
Calling is not to hear
Changes are loathsome
Routines are blossom
Soulmates are waving hands
Shall I move next to Hanks
Leaving is deliciously heroic
Staying is viciously realistic

Friday 18 May 2012

My Stuggle

A struggle non-stop, so raw
Two different takes from within
One by the mind
One by the soul

We're on the same boat
So the mind heard
Yet the soul was preoccupied
Searching for a wonderland to which it belonged

The Utopia long lives in fantasy and might never be reached
The soul was awakened by an epiphany
Boat people were all celebrating the remaining days before ashore
He was let down by self, succumbing to the cruel fact


've run out of ideas
How to rekindle self
Life looks as turbulent
As a rough sea
Moments of peace are not likely soon
I often find it queer
For they come once in a blue moon
MC - or its connotation -
Has become more than a shelter
Like a comrade-in-arms

Dread is haunting me
For the first time in life
Heavy workload seems so tempting
So soothing that it creates a brief reverie
Way away from emptiness
A state where swallowed is sensed
A dark chamber with loads of partners or couples
Who claim to enjoy a plot
Is not to be stood
Solitude grows fiercer in crowded places

Sunday 13 May 2012


In blissful ignorance of life?
Enjoy your youth and days
For you'll join me before long
Realising delight is no easy to pursue
Let me take an unusual example:
If our lifespan is air
Then happiness must be CO2
And sadness Nitrogen
You ain't into Science?
Alright, try this:
If joy is a mine
Then it must be gold
And sorrow weed

Friday 11 May 2012


A war not to be won
"What makes you right all the time?"
I doubt and curse
Silence fills the air between us -
Taken as weaponry
An uneasy wait
A peacelike moment before the tempest
Chicks are improbable to read
Well predetermined in the deed

Thursday 10 May 2012

What I'm like

I moved quickly to a set of double doors, opened them and stepped into the darkness of the auditorium.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※


I hesitate. But I am determined after a moment and step forward.

I step up to the stone. I place my hand around the handle and begin to pull. The sword starts to come out.

The villagers gasp.

I raise the shiny sword out of the stone and high above my head.

Everyone on stage bows.

A silence fills the auditorium.

The villagers rise and rush to me. They scoop me up and carry me around the stage in celebration. I chuckle and then laugh as the group of six-year-olds try unsuccessfully to keep me up. We slowly sag and then collapse. We are all laughing as we try to untangle ourselves.

I become indistinguishable among a group of twenty children giggling and enjoying themselves on stage.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※


I happened to see this distant self when I volunteered my services some days ago. I was helping my kindergarten hold a fund-raising event, in which some young kids had to perform a costume drama. Although the play and the characters were different, the auditorium was the same - both geographically and psychologically.

This piece of memory is intact and it will remain so even if I do not have a photograph of my performance back then.
Others, even if you still have a vivid picture showing either what you were doing or what you were like, you’d rather deny it.

Our memory is highly selective.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※


For all the grieving I had been through [...], I look immaculate to even my intimate friends. I can avidly talk about my current life and future plans with them, but when the dialogue turns towards those days, ‘the dark age’, as I call it, I immediately - and quite visibly - steel myself, as though I knew the moment might arise.

My eyes drift away from my friends. I look across and apologise, while the [...].

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “Don’t mention it, please. It’s just too painful for me.” 

※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Never have I put it this way before but I know it’s true: It was me who consciously and willingly gave up all my ‘talents’. It was me who chose to let go. And it was me who determined how others were going to see me. And if I were to be put right in front of the fulcrum point now, I know, I would once again opt against the other possible paths and would never feel sorry because of my same ‘blunder’ and its foreseeable, undesirable consequences. 

Monday 7 May 2012


A war not to be won
Chicks are impossible to read
Intrigued by the weed
Let’s embrace the lament
Silence of the Lam(b)